Favorite New Manometer: Energy Conservatory TEC WiFi Link

Energy-Conservatory-Wifi-LinkThe Energy Conservatory TEC WiFi Link might just be your perfect second manometer, without being a manometer at all. Here’s how.

A customer called needing a manometer to check building pressures. He already has an Energy Conservatory DG-700 with his Minneapolis Blower Door, but wanted a second manometer for occasionally troubleshooting building depressurization. That’s a common request, so we went through the usual suspects. But the customer wanted an accuracy and resolution similar to that of his DG-700, since he and his crews were already used to that standard.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but that level of accuracy and resolution is a tall order in any manometer. While The Energy Conservatory generously says that you can use other manometers with the Minneapolis Blower Door system, the truth is that very few will fit the bill. So as the customer and I consider the options, it occurs to me that he doesn’t really need a new manometer. He just needs the TEC WiFi Link.

Energy Conservatory WiFi LinkThe Energy Conservatory’s TEC WiFi Link connects through the serial port on any DG-700 or DG-500 manometer and creates its own wireless network. It will connect wirelessly to a laptop running Energy Conservatory software, or to an iPhone or iPad running the free iTEC-700 app. You can then monitor and even control the manometer with your mobile device. In this case, the customer can set up the DG-700 and TEC WiFi Link in the combustion appliance zone (CAZ), and then move about the house and monitor how fans, doors, etc. affect the worst case depressuization of the CAZ. He can use his iPhone to immediately verify the effect of each change.

The Energy Conservatory TEC WiFi Link is a great solution for this and many of the instances when you would reach for a second manometer. Not only do you not need to buy the second manometer, you also don’t need to carry it around the house, dragging hoses everywhere you go. The TEC WiFi Link is cheaper, more accurate, and helps you work faster. That’s a solution we can stand behind.

Learn more about the TEC WiFi Link at the Ivy Tools website. Or give us a call at (877) 273-2311. We can help with your building or mechanical diagnostics challenge.

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